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We are a volunteer led Charity (SC050310) Falkirk Safebase trading as Safebase Scotland working in partnership with NHS, Police Scotland, Scottish Ambulance Service & 3rd Sector Partners
Support - Safehaven & Safebase
Our aim is to support those that need help when at times of crisis. We provide drop in safe spaces across the country to support those in need. Working in Partnership with Police Scotland, Scottish Ambulance Service, Royal Voluntary Service , NHS and Local Councils
Community First Aid
We are a volunteer led Charity supporting those in need across Forth Valley in Trained in Basic first aid, Enhanced First Aid, Mental Health First Aid & Covid Risk Assessments. Providing event first aid cover with volunteers for your local community. We provide this cover on a not for profit basis
Mental Health Support
Our volunteers are all trained in Mental Health First aid, we can provide immediate support to you or assist with referrals onto other organisations for professional support.